2024 Finucane Service Scholarship Fall Transfer Application

    Your Information
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address
    Service Resume
    Please list your volunteer service activities. Include specific responsibilities and estimated number of hours per activity.
    List the organization name, service activity, date of service and number of hours. 

    Ex: YMCA, helped with after school tutoring program, Oct. 2015-May 2019, 14 hours

    Please reflect on the following and submit a written or video essay response.

    Service at Rockhurst University is rooted in our identity as a Catholic, Jesuit University. The spiritual heritage of Rockhurst takes its origins from the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Saint Ignatius Loyola, a Basque knight who was injured by a cannonball during battle. While recuperating from his injuries he read books about the lives of Christ and the saints. This experience transformed the way Ignatius looked at himself, at others and at the world. He responded through focusing on the purpose for which he felt we were created: to praise, reverence, and serve God through serving other human beings.

    After his cannonball moment, Ignatius Loyola focused his life helping others reach their greatest potential. As you have moved through high school and college, have you experience any cannonball moments? Around what issues would you like to focus your Rockhurst experience? How will that impact the common good?

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